(SPRINGFIELD) Illinois State GOP Chairman Don Tracy has resigned, ending a more than three-year run. In his resignation letter, Tracy said his decision was in part because he spent more time dealing with infighting among fellow Republicans than fighting Democrats. Tracy’s resignation will be effective upon the election of a new chairman or “no later than July 19th” which is the day after the Republican National Convention ends.

(CHICAGO) A new study says Chicago is ranked as one of the worst-run cities in the nation. To determine the best and worst, the personal finance website “WalletHub” compared 148 of the most populated cities using six categories, including financial stability, economy, and infrastructure. The Windy City came in at 137th, just eleven (11) spots from the bottom, which is occupied by San Francisco. One other Illinois town was on the list, Aurora at #28.

(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs announced nearly $700,000 in Veterans’ Cash Grant Program awards to Illinois organizations that provide services to Veterans and their families across the state. Awardees will receive funding to address Veteran homelessness, post-traumatic stress treatment, workforce development, education, transportation training, and community development programs. The money comes from State Lottery sales as Illinois was the first state in America to designate 100% of net proceeds of a lottery ticket to Veterans. Launched in 2006, more than $20 million in grants have been awarded to approximately 400 Veterans organizations statewide.

(EAST ST. LOUIS) The State Department of Natural Resources has agreed to provide nearly $2.6 million to the City of East St. Louis to buy out 39 properties that have experienced repeated flooding and flood damage. After the properties are purchased and demolished, deed restrictions will be placed on them to prohibit new structures from being built in the same locations. Studies show flood acquisition projects save $6 for every $1 spent.