(SPRINGFIELD) Over 190 teams of assistant attorneys general and investigators from the Illinois Attorney General’s Office are out monitoring today’s primary election throughout the state on this Tuesday, all to ensure that voters’ rights are protected and that polling places are accessible. The Office encourages voters to call a special toll-free number if they encounter suspected improper or illegal activity. Central and Southern Illinois voters can call 1-866-559-6812. More details are on the AG’s website, at

(SPRINGFIELD) Governor J.B. Pritzker has signed an Executive Order to create a framework for financing and expanding access to new therapies and drugs, like the recently approved gene therapies for sickle cell disease. The order directs the Illinois Department of Health Care & Family Services to lead the state’s effort to establish payment models and financial structures that support access to new treatments and other new high cost medication.

(SPRINGFIELD) The state has announced that Major General Rich Neeley, the Adjutant General of Illinois, Commander of the Illinois National Guard, and Director of the Illinois Department of Military Affairs, will retire from the military after 40 years of service. Major General Rodney Boyd, the Assistant Adjutant General, will be Neeley’s replacement. The National Guard will hold an official Change of Command ceremony later this spring in May.

(CHICAGO) A tax policy nonprofit group is slamming Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s “mansion tax” plan. The so-called Bring Chicago Home referendum, if approved, would raise the real estate transfer tax on properties over $1 million. The Tax Foundation group says the tax increase would fall on Chicago businesses, including local restaurants, many of