(NEWTON) As mentioned earlier, the Jasper County Fair begins this weekend in Newton, and returning to the fair in 2024 is the Miss Jasper County Fair Queen Pageant, after a year off last year, in 2023. Starting at 7:30 this Sunday night on the Grandstand Stage, there are seven young ladies vying for the pageant crown and the honor to represent the Fair and all of Jasper County over the next year, plus at the Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant next January in Springfield. Here’s the list of the seven contestests in no particular order :

  • 20 year old Elise Wright of Newton (Dusty & Michele Wright)
  • 20 year old Alex Osborne of Newton (Chadd Osborne & Shelah Bergbower)
  • 19 year old Leslie Burtis of Newton (Nicole Zumbahlen)
  • 18 year old Madalyn Rauch of Newton (Alan & Lisa Rauch)
  • 17 year old Kyanna Ruholl of Newton (Dustin Ruholl / Mashea & Brian Edwards)
  • 16 year old Hartley Shaffer of Newton (Ted & Jesse Shaffer)
  • 16 year old Abigail Finn of Newton (Garrett & Rebecca Finn)

Organizers of this year’s Fair Queen Pageant want to thank all the great sponsors that have stepped up to help out with this year’s event, plus all the volunteers in making the pageant possible. The night will also include three other pageants for younger girls as well :

  • Junior Miss Pageant has eight young ladies involved, ranging in age from 12 to 14 years old
  • Pre-Teen Pageant has eleven young ladies involved, ranging in age from 8 to 11 years old
  • Little Miss Pageant has sixteen girls involved, ranging in age from 4 to 6 years old

It all starts this Sunday night at 7:30 on the Jasper County Fairgrounds in Newton.