(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met last night in regular session. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : accepted the bid to demolish the property at 614 North Walnut Street : accepted the quote to replace the lights on Ball Diamond #9 in Musgrove Park : approved an ordinance to close a portion of the north/south alley between East Butler & East Laurel Streets and between North Sycamore & North Mill Streets : agreed to authorize Tax Abatement within the City’s Enterprise Zone to include tax incentives : agreed to seek bids for the City’s Main Street Storm Sewer Drainage Project : agreed to begin the City Council’s next regular meeting on Monday, July 22nd, at 4:30 that afternoon instead of the normal time : noted the City continues to search for grant monies to improve a pair of city parking lots : also noted that interviews are scheduled to eventually fill two vacant employee positions within the City’s Street Department : and after a closed session to discuss real property and personnel, agreed to proceed with the possible purchase of property within the city : the Olney City Council’s next meeting will be July 22nd, at 4:30pm.