(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association is recognizing Human Trafficking Prevention Month throughout January, noting the key role the hospitality industry plays in identifying and working to put an end to the crime. Governor J.B. Pritzker recently issued a proclamation designating tomorrow, January 11th, as Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Illinois. The initiative is part of ongoing efforts by state officials and many others to raise awareness and enhance education on prevention methods concerning human trafficking.

(SPRINGFIELD) Lawmakers passed a package of energy policies earlier this week in Springfield, although some advocates say they are disappointed that the bill does not go far enough in boosting the energy storage sector or inducing energy efficiency measures for electric utilities. The bill likely sets up a broader package of energy legislation that could be introduced in both the State House and State Senate later this spring.

(SPRINGFIELD) In new legislation out of Springfield, a measure has been approved that could expand job opportunities for young workers throughout Illinois. The bill would allow 14 and 15 year olds to work summer jobs, like lifeguarding and officiating sports, for Illinois park districts and recreational departments, as long as an adult is on-site. Supporters say the changes are designed to address concerns from park districts about staff shortages.

(SPRINGFIELD) With the new 104th General Assembly sworn in this past Wednesday and then adjourning yesterday, the new class of statewide lawmakers have not skipped a beat in filing new legislation. So far, more than 1,100 pieces of legislation have been filed in the State Capitol, although the lawmakers have only been seated for two days. In the state’s previous two-year term, both the House & Senate combined, filed more than 10,000 bills.