(SPRINGFIELD) A new study shows that Illinois’ high gasoline taxes are not leading to good roads and bridges. The Reason Foundation has released its Annual Highway Report, which examines pavement condition, deficient bridges, traffic congestion, and the overall costs, showing Illinois fell seven spots from last year’s ranking to 36th in the nation. In fact, in safety and condition categories, Illinois ranked near the bottom for urban interstate pavement condition and in the bottom half for rural interstate condition. While Illinois drivers pay the second highest gas taxes in America, the proceeds are intended, by law, to be used for transportation infrastructure. The only state with higher gax taxes is California.
(SPRINGFIELD) A Democratic plan in the Illinois House could require more venues to add baby changing tables to their restrooms. The legislation would mandate that all hotels, schools, movie theaters, healthcare facilities, and public parks install a baby changing station in their restrooms. Opponents of the plan say the move would be extra costs for private companies. Passing along party lines, the bill now goes to the State House floor.
(SPRINGFIELD) The Illinois Department of Public Health is bracing for a possible measles outbreak around the state. Nationwide, nearly 300 cases have been reported, far ahead of last years’ pace. Measles is considered to be one of the most infectious diseases. Officials with the IDPH say the best prevention method for measles is getting vaccinated. Health officials also add that contrary to belief, Vitamin A does not prevent measles.