(NEWTON) The Jasper County School Board of Education met last night (12/18/2023) in Newton for its regular monthly meeting in December. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved the District’s Tax Levy for 2023 : approved a resolution to abate a portion of the tax to pay down the debt service on the District’s General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023 : approved the $55,913 bid from AC Environmental for asbestos work at the Newton Elementary School : approved the $18,000 District Mowing Contract for 2024 with Griffith’s Lawn Care : noted the District received State Designations for the Pre-K Program in Ste. Marie : approved the First Reading of several policy updates : after a closed session, approved a resolution regarding Student Disciplinary action for a student : and in personnel matters – accepted the resignation from Matt Creadore as NCHS Varsity Soccer Coach – agreed to hire Sarah Barthelme, Jennifer Eaton, Abby Frohning, Julia Whittler, and Jaime Newkirk for the District’s 2023-2024 After School Tutoring Program – hired Jill Michl as a Full-Time Bus Driver – and hired Becky King as a District Bus Chaperone : the next regular monthly meeting for the Jasper County School Board is set for January 16th, 2024.