(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met last evening in regular session. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : accepted the $40,000 quote to repair the Sewer Department’s camera operating system : accepted the $20,000 quote for a snow plow & controls for the Street Department : approved the $2,500 contribution to the Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission for support and services : approved a five-year subscription renewal agreement with Emergency Service Marketing Corporation, Inc. for the Olney Fire Department : agreed to close the portion of the north/south alley between North East & North Washington Streets and between East Scott & East Locust Streets : approved an amendment to the City’s Municipal Code to charge for services outside the City’s jurisdiction & for services to property from outside the City’s jurisdiction : approved three raffle license requests, as presented : approved the re-appointment of Leon Stallard to the Fire Pension Board : reviewed various updates and status reports : and adjourned after no executive session : the next meeting for the Olney City Council will be August 12th.