(OLNEY) The Olney City Council met last night in regular session. The Council : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved the fiscal year 2023 Tax Levy as presented : accepted the quote for Air Pack upgrades for the Olney Fire Department : approved a Class C Liquor License for the new Smoke Rise Steakhouse in Olney : then amended the City of Olney’s Municipal Code to allow an additional Liquor License : approved an ordinance to close a portion of the east/west unimproved alley between East Main Street and East Butler Street and between North Lincoln Street and North Jackson Street : approved a Professional Service / Consultant Agreement with Charleston Engineering in Olney for the Lead Service Line Inventory Survey grant : authorized an additional IMRF payment of nearly $100,000 : approved a raffle license as requested : approved an ordinance to establish wage rates for Paid-On-Call Firefighters, for Part-Time City Employees, and City Summer Recreation Employees and approved an ordinance to establish hourly wages for Part-Time or Seasonal Employees with special skills in the Police and Public Works Departments within the City of Olney – both ordinances approved due to the state’s minimum wage increase mandate : the Council cancelled it’s December 25th meeting : next meeting will be January 8th, 2024.