(OLNEY) The Second Judicial Circuit is proud to announce that Richland County Circuit Court has been awarded a Technology Modernization Grant for the third consecutive year. The grant program, funded by the Illinois Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, was offered to county court systems around the state for technology upgrades to modernize the delivery of court services. Richland County Circuit Clerk Zach Holder and Richland County Resident Judge Ray Vaughn sought funding this year and have been awarded just over $107,000. The funds will be used for new WI-FI for the courtrooms and the Circuit Clerk’s Office at the Richland County Courthouse, plus for new software and other technology, including the development of a new Circuit Clerk’s Office website that will improve the flow of information to court participants. Chief Judge Melissa Morgan expressed her gratitude to Circuit Clerk Holder & Judge Vaughn for their work in securing the grant. Richland County is one of twelve counties in the downstate 2nd Judicial Circuit.