(OLNEY) The Richland County Homemakers Education Association has rescheduled its previously postponed program featuring food preservation utilizing the canning method for next Tuesday evening, July 9th, beginning at 5:30, in the Extension Meeting Room in Olney. Guest Mary Liz Wright, a University of Illinois Extension Nutrition & Wellness Educator, will be discussing various methods of food preservation, especially canning, plus apple marmalade will be processed as a demonstration with several attendees to receive a jar as a door prize. While preregistration is not required, those planning to attend can show up at 5:00 to sign in with the free workshop open to the public at 5:30. Also next week, a testing of canner lids and gauges will be held Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, with the lids to be dropped off early and picked up later in the week. Call 618-395-2191 for more details.