(NOBLE) The Noble Village Board met in regular session earlier this week. The Board : approved the payment of all bills as presented : approved a revised estimate for the MFT Street Maintenance program worth $51,518 – this will be for the summer oiling and chipping of all north & south streets in Noble, plus improvements, patching, and sealing of Second Street : approved the purchase of an additional firewall for the Village Hall computers in relation to the security cameras in the Village Park – the cost from Kemper Technologies at $1,043 : with Governor J.B. Pritzker wanting to eliminate the 1% Grocery Tax, approved a resolution to support protection of the 1% Grocery Tax in Illinois, which would involve approximately $10,000 yearly for the Village : discussed several nuisance properties within the Village : approved the purchase of two water salesman bill receptors at a cost of $250 each, plus shipping : noted the recent Village water hydrant flushing resulted in no issues : and discussed the mowing and conditions of the Noble Cemetery : the next Noble Village Board meeting is scheduled for Monday night, May 13th, at the Noble Village Hall.